The Terminal Generation Interview is up 6/5/2009

1. For those of us new to The Terminal Generation tell us how it all began?

Luko “The Tank” Okminn: I can’t say….because I don’t know.

Ugo Mustafo : Last week I guess, somewhere is Los Angeles- the city of creeps, freaks and peeps, I can’t tell you more details but it’s unlawful.

Froggie Svengali: This may sound crazy but you have to believe me, everything I say is 110% true...Before the "terminal" I went to meditate on a spiritual journey to find "myself" In the Machu Picchu rain forest. I found a village of locals not typical "Indians" like you see on T.V. they were like regular people just extremely poor and impoverished. I hung out with their medicine man .His name was Jose Gonzalez And while meditating I had a vision it was Salvador Dali. He said allot of things that made no sense and spoke to me with abstract images. But what I did understand was that I should go to a city called El Monte and find 2 people who are as I and rock...and rock hard.

Dr. Sickmon Fraud: The band started out committing criminal acts of civil disobedience and then evolved in to what it is now.

2. Your new CD eVERYONE pRays tHERE iS nO gOD seemed to be self released was this done on purpose or has it been hard to find label support.

The Tank: Who says things are as they seem?

Ugo: We want to be worshipped and adored, of course we want to be signed to a label, rule the world and our make listeners suffer, make millions of dollars, you know stuff like that.

Fraud: We haven’t even looked for label support. We’ve only had offers from inappropriate majors.

3. Your sounds really remind me of Hardcore Industrial Metal with a Triphop flavor. Would you say that is close to what you are trying to create?

Frog: Its liquid art. Breath it in. breath it.

Ugo: No not really, I still consider pop/rock music for losers and retards.

Fraud: We call it post-industrial-death-funk.

4. Does The Terminal Generation perform live ?

The Tank: We Perform Dead.

Ugo: Perform live? If you could call it that, its more of the stars all lining up and we collectively get some type of temporary removal of our involuntary psychiatric holds, work release furlough, and stay of executions- that allows us to actually be all together at one time to do what ever it is that we do. Live we spit on everything, we destroy things playing live, make our listeners feel and wish they were never born. So much fun!! Our goal is to marry everyone’s worst nightmare to their great fear at our live shows. Oh yes it more to entertain ourselves than to fascinate our listeners, fans and slaves.

Frog: A: When I play live I want to actually hurt the other band. I want to break their equipment and strangle them with the cords. Especially, the hipster bands that are hard core elitist. They don't know what art musick is. They'll know what art is when I free them from them from their earthly bodies and they graduate to their due reward and when their flying into the light they'll realize what were trying to do.

5. Do you feel places like MySpace and CD baby give the exposure to indie bands like nothing before. Can bands thrive from this digital promotion alone or do projects needs to perform live and get radio / magazine promotion too?

UGO: I am artist how would I know?

Fraud: This album was pirated online before it came out. A guy with an actual wooden leg and parrot hijack a CD shipment and killed 50 men. Btw, you can order it at your local record store, get it on Amazon or I-Tunes or personally send us a check which we will cash and use for explosives and keep the CD.

Tank: Use an online service, we will keep the money and not use us.

Frog: Amazon is much more reliable and trustworthy than us.

6. What has been the most positive and negative comments made about The Terminal Generation?

Ugo: Why bother? – People don’t criticize us because they want to live.

Fraud: Critics love us, normal people hate us and freaks become obsessed with us.

7. Are you a project that does everything Diy (recording, packaging etc) or do you go into a proper studio to record and have artist work on your artwork?

Frog: We are Rock-Stars not a project. The Last studio we worked in was haunted. We amused ourselves by throwing furniture off the roof. The homeless people that lived around the studio hated us because we'd hid their shopping carts full of their earthly possessions. The best thing that came out of that experience was the bacon wrapped hotdog guaranteed triple bypass or it's free.

Fraud: This album was recorded in 2 garages, a barn, a condo, in a huge studio in a room between Slayer and Wasp, in several small studios, and at the Art Château. We had several un-credited photographers help us with the art, but they know us personally and did not wish to be associated with the band.

Tank: We do have help from the voices in our heads.

8. I see there is a Burnt Toast Future video. This is a lo-fi nightmare in the making. Will there be more any thoughts on a DVD of material. I think you would be a very visual band.

Ugo: Not if the world is lucky- but it isn’t, so there will be lots more where that came from.

Fraud: we are working on a video about homicidal toy with post-modern references to Dante's inferno.

9. What is the running theme or ideal of eVERYONE pRays tHERE iS nO gOD?

Ugo: That everyone prays there is no god- that way anything goes, no future, no afterlife, no problem.

Tank: The concrete fact that humanity is basically evil.

Fraud: Theme? Ideal?

Frog: A: The running theme is to be the greatest underground band that ever did live. to be the "underground Led Zeppelin"

10. What are your thoughts on the current indie/ extreme underground music scene?

Tank: It’s good except when it isn’t.

Ugo: It totally sucks dry- I wish to hell there were more, some or any artist and bands to inspire me. I can only read the color purple and listen to Yes Albums for so long.

Frog: The "music" is in a sad state. The fans have nothing to rock out to. Our fans tend to be real connoisseurs of music. It's the normal looking terminal fan that scares me. The freaky ones not so much. You bought your clothes at Hot Topic. That's cool. I know you’re probably into lamb of God or skinny puppy. That's cool. It's the normal looking ones that scare me. That's the freak that has his ex girlfriend in his basement ready to silence of the lambs her for sure. Gimmie back my dog ! Gimmie back my dog!

Fraud: I only listen to top 40 Radio. Lady Gaga Rocks.

11. If there was one thing that The Terminal Generation has not done yet and you want too what is it and why?

Ugo: To make the world a bitter place, I mean better.

Tank: One thing we haven’t done is record an album we haven’t recorded yet, for obvious reasons.

Frog: I want to die in a plane crash like buddy holly. Right before I get famous. I used to hate Kirk Cobain. I despised him. If I were to of meet him I would have punched him square in the mouth for being a mealy mouth Nancy boy. But then I herd he killed himself, I was happy. Then I herd he killed himself because he got famous. I had a new found respect for him and then I was sad.

12. Thanks for the time any closing thoughts here.

Ugo: I have no thoughts period.

Frog: Music isn't how many bands you can recite or who has the blackest trench coat. It’s how high you can fly and touch the sky. It's getting away into an art painted picture. It's tasting the best wine you can ever did taste. I don't care if it's 80's metal or the freakiest damn shit you can find (The Terminal Generation) it's running from the burning compound of the Branch Davidian camp as the ATF is going to kill you. You were there man ! you lived it ! you were a Branch Davidioan. You called in sick the day they drank the kool-aid you’re my hero.

Tank: Stop Killing Art.

13. *** 13. Additional Question added by (Hugo Mastafo) Am I on crack ?, No I am not.
